Occupied Palestinian Territory – Livelihood advisor

Livelihood study: linking protection and livelihood support in the Northern West bank with focus on eco-friendly value-chain development

  • Reason for evaluation:

PUI intend to widen its scope of intervention in the West Bank to achieve structural improvements. In order to do so, it needs to better systematize existing information and better understand the different livelihoods opportunities available in the West Bank in a comprehensive manner, linking both protection threats and environmental challenges. Thus, the livelihood study will enable to identify a number of relevant LRRD strategy to link our current protection activities with a longer-term solution and relevant livelihood activities that will contribute to building the resilience of targeted populations and to avoid forcible transfer.

  • The general and specific aims of the study:

Overall objective of the study:

To identify the relevant LRRD strategy to link our current protection activities with long-term strategies for those households and communities most exposed to protection threats.

Specific objective:

To identify a number of relevant livelihood activities that will contribute to building the resilience of targeted populations to avoid forcible transfer, taking into account the contextual constraints.


  • Identify through desk review and interviews with other actors the types of livelihood losses/destructions/damages/injuries suffered by the targeted population and provide deep analysis and case studies
  • Stakeholder mapping of the development/LRRD actors and interventions in the targeted communities (map of key actors and identify potential partnerships)
  • Propose specific solutions to specific cases at both individual and community levels (i.e. low labor intensive farming technics for lands exposed to SV; working with women groups to develop food processing)
  • Analyze how the affected HH and communities are connected or could be connected to the overall Palestinian market through market based initiatives

Identify 3 value chain opportunities with high potential of development and where PUI could provide a significant added value in terms of production and marketing.

Interested candidates should submit in English:

  • A technical offer (5-10 pages) including:
  • Understanding of the challenges of the study and the Terms of Reference (ToR): development of a problematic and formulation of questions, which the offer proposes to respond to
  • The methodology and tools proposed for the evaluation
  • The timetable showing the details for the completion of each of the evaluation phases. The proposed schedule should include time for briefing and debriefing on the mission and as much as possible at headquarter.
  • A financial offer including a budget with detailed sections (fees, other costs) – must not exceed 13,000 euros
  • An updated CV
  • 1 summary paper in English of similar assignments (any example of document is welcomed)
  • References (2)

Deadline for submission: Documents to be submitted by email before October 13, 2016, COB.

Applications submitted after the above stated deadline for submission, for whatever reason or cause, shall be considered defaulting.

Submission of applications

All documents must be submitted to the following email:

[email protected]   Reference: West Bank Livelihood Study

Terms of reference to download

Date limite de réponse : Clôturé

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