Endline evaluation of food and nutrition security project in Borno state, Nigeria

Endline evaluation of food and nutrition security project in Borno state, Nigeria

The purpose of the evaluation is to gather information that will enable PUI to improve future project design and programmatic strategy. As the project ends in May 2019, PUI intends to undertake an outcome evaluation which will assess the:

Inclusiveness: did the program adhere to diversity in all its implementation phases.
Relevance: Was the design of the assistance modality used the most appropriate (voucher vs unconditional? Did this programme effectively reach the most vulnerable households? Did the project address the highest priority needs of the affected population? Was the intervention most appropriate and its implementation relevant to the operational context.
Efficiency: Was the cash transfer modality used cost-effective? Was adequate human, financial and logistical resources applied to delivering project outcomes? Were outputs delivered in a timely fashion?
Effectiveness: Was the programme sufficiently adaptable to a fluid and insecure context to deliver outputs in a timely fashion and sufficiently achieve targets? Were the monitoring mechanisms effective in providing timely data to inform programming decisions? To what extent did the project meet its targets and deliver outputs?
Accountability: What type and level of actions taken by the roles in the adoption of the PUI accountability system?
Impact: what is the project impact to the local economy and the household food security?

For more information, please look at the complete study description. 

Please send your applications to [email protected], copying [email protected].


Date limite de réponse : Clôturé

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