Capacity building and technical supervision of PUI psychosocial support activities implemented in Libya

Location : remote (online sessions)
Starting date: 01.06.2023


Object / Summary : PUI Libya mission is seeking support for the implementation of the mission MHPSS strategy and activities, ensuring the quality of the current MHPSS intervention.



Première Urgence Internationale (PUI) is a non-governmental, non-profit, non-political, and non-religious international aid organization. Our teams are committed to supporting civilian victims of marginalization and exclusion, natural disasters, wars, and economic collapses, by answering their fundamental needs. Our aim is to provide emergency relief to uprooted people in order to help them recover their dignity and regain self-sufficiency. The association leads an average of 190 projects per year in the following sectors of intervention: food security, health, nutrition, infrastructure, WASH, and economic recovery. PUI is providing assistance to 5 million people in 24 countries – in Africa, Asia, Middle East, Eastern Europe and France in 2023.


PUI started implementing operations in Libya since 2017, so far, PUI is focusing on the health care issue, by providing primary health care (PHC) services to internal displaced populations and their host communities, migrants refugees and asylum seekers in the eastern cities of the country. PUI is recreating an access to essential package of health care including communicable and non-communicable diseases, medical screening, sexual and reproductive health and psychosocial support interventions via Mobile Health Teams. Furthermore, PUI is reinforcing sensitization, communication and prevention on health care topics within the communities.


General objective  :

    • The purpose of this consultancy is to provide technical support to PUI MHPSS staff in the implementation of the activities ensuring they are consistent with PUI MHPSS framework and the scope of the project.
    • To implement quality activities, PUI is currently seeking technical support for the provision of capacity building trainings and technical supervision follow-up to PUI MHPSS staff for a period of 7 months, for a total of 30 days over the whole period from June to December 2023. The regularity of supervision may be revisited upon request of both parties, based on the needs.

Specific objectives :

    • Support the MHPSS officer and project health staff in the provision of MHPSS services, to ensure technical aspects of the MHPSS intervention are sound and quality. The supervision is expected to ensure the clinical approach and tools used are in line with the defined MHPSS framework and SOPs for PUI Libya mission. Alerts on any matter such as complex cases, dangerous practice (for both the client and the clinician) or else should be communicated as soon as possible to PUI coordination team.
    • Support the MHPSS officer in training and mentoring other medical and non-medical staff in PUI-supported primary healthcare facilities (validation of the training content, the training program, the training tools and methods, the training length, …)
    • Support in the development and validation of the contents of the awareness and education messages for the MHPSS activities and campaign at PHCC and community level
    • Liaise and meetings with the focal points at PUI coordination level
    • Produce a final report minding that no confidential information on the project beneficiaries is communicated. The report should recap the main outputs of the technical supervision sessions/mentoring, including: the main topics covered, the support and main inputs provided, as well as the progress of the MHPSS officer and health staff as a result of the supervision when relevant; recommendations on clinical tools, the relevance of the interventions and any room for improvement.

Budget : < 10,000 USD

Arabic (written / spoken) is ‘mandatory’

Applicants are required to submit the following:

  • Technical and financial detailed offer
  • Workplan
  • CV in English
  • Copy of Diploma

For more information, go to Term of Reference

Deadline of the proposal submission:


Application to be addressed to:

[email protected]

Date limite de réponse : Clôturé

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Stats Chaque année, Première Urgence Internationale affecte l’essentiel de ses ressources aux programmes qu’elle déploie sur ses différents terrains d’intervention et seulement 0,2% à la recherche de fonds. Vos dons sont essentiels.

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Vos dons sont les garants de notre liberté d’action. Ils nous permettent de venir en aide aux populations affectées par des crises oubliées qui ne retiennent l’attention ni des médias, ni des bailleurs de fonds institutionnels. Les sommes collectées constituent ainsi les fonds propres de l’association, lui donnant une autonomie d’action et une réactivité accrue.
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