Ukraine – photographer

Première Urgence Internationale is looking for a photographer, in the framework of a photo project, for a 5 day mission in February 2018 in Ukraine, around the activities of the NGO.

Objective of the photo project

To produce communication content putting forward the Ukrainian humanitarian situation and highlighting the need for humanitarian assistance.

This photo project is the second part of a photo reportage which took place in August 2017 in Ukraine. This second part will show the same situation on winter time while the temperatures are very low.

Expected results

The communication material should include:

  • About 50 Photographs highlighting the actions implemented by Première Urgence Internationale and ECHO and the living conditions of the population in Ukraine
  • At least 8 testimonies of beneficiaries from different sectors of intervention
  • Titles and captions for every photography

Profile of the photographer

  • Excellent command of English / Good knowledge of French
  • Ability to integrate the local environment into operations, in its political, economic and historical dimensions
  • Strong and objective interest for Ukraine and humanitarian issues
  • Knowledge of Ukraine if possible
  • Ability to work independently
  • High degree of integrity and professional responsibility
  • Good analytical skills, ability to make his the project
  • Communication skills and ability to develop social networks

Expected supporting documents for application

  • Proforma invoice with the details of the proposed service and detail of the proforma
  • CV
  • Examples of work completed over the last few years (text and picture material)
  • Deadline of the proposal submission: 15th of January 2018.

To be addressed to: Laetitia Chadenat, communications officer [email protected]

You can dowload here the detailed TOR of this consultancy

Date limite de réponse : Clôturé

Comment sont utilisés vos dons ?

Stats Chaque année, Première Urgence Internationale affecte l’essentiel de ses ressources aux programmes qu’elle déploie sur ses différents terrains d’intervention et seulement 0,2% à la recherche de fonds. Vos dons sont essentiels.

Reprendre en main son destin !

Vos dons sont les garants de notre liberté d’action. Ils nous permettent de venir en aide aux populations affectées par des crises oubliées qui ne retiennent l’attention ni des médias, ni des bailleurs de fonds institutionnels. Les sommes collectées constituent ainsi les fonds propres de l’association, lui donnant une autonomie d’action et une réactivité accrue.
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