Occupied Palestinian Territory – A Protection Monitoring Consultant in Gaza

The purpose of this assignment is to coordinate and facilitate the implementation of the ECHO Consortium project protection component in the Access Restricted Area (ARA), in Gaza, and particularly focusing on Restructuring of the referral mechanism for the ARA incidents related to IHL and IHRL violations, including:

a) Improving data collection related to IHL/IHRL violations occurring in the ARA, collecting available information and, if needed, monitoring neglected incidents like those entailing property damages to complement existing databases;
b) Developing methodology and approach to set up an institutionalized system (including verification of information on the field through protection assessment of incidents in pilot areas/sectors, i.e. incident reports), pending availability of resources and further coordination within the current humanitarian architecture, as needed.

Experience:  minimum five years of work in Emergency Protection programing / protracted crisis, with at least three years in a complex environment.

For more information on our offer, please look at the complete consultancy description. 

Qualified candidates are requested to submit an all-inclusive monthly fee, cover letter, CV and one written sample of previous work related to protection monitoring and surveillance via email to [email protected] and [email protected].

Date limite de réponse : Clôturé

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