Lebanon – A Consultancy in Psychosocial Project
The main objectives of the requested consultancy mission is:
- To analyse the Psychosocial Support interventions and measure the impact of the intervention, making relevant recommendations and suggestions to ensure best practice is taking place.
- To capitalize on the existing program and to harmonize interventions by designing standard operating procedures (SOPs) and protocols, that follow international guidelines and are adapted to the mission’s current interventions.
Interested candidates should submit in English:
A technical offer with (5 pages max):
Understanding of the Terms of Reference (ToR): development of a problematic and formulation of questions, which the offer proposes to respond to
The methodology and tools proposed for the consultancy
The timetable showing the details for the completion of each consultancy phases. The proposed schedule should include time for briefing and debriefing on the mission and as much as possible at headquarter.
A financial offer including a budget with detailed sections (fees, other costs)
An updated CV
Applicants should send all of this documentation in electronic format to
Cécile WILS, Program Officer for Lebanon : [email protected]
The deadline for the submission of applications will be the 15/04/2017
Click here for Terms of Reference