Afghanistan – A Health Exploratory Mission including MHPSS

The general objective of the mission is to assess the relevancy and feasibility of the takeover of the maternity ward, and the complementary activities needed to have a real impact on the health status of the population in the area.

The specific objectives are of 2 nature:
– To assess the health needs and available response in the district 12 in Kabul , with a specific focus on primary health care, EMoNC services, MHPSS
– To establish the prerequisite and action strategy regarding takeover of ASB maternity ward (financial, human resources) in the frame of scaling down caseload and integration in the health and referral system.

The consultant will receive all available documentation both at HQ and field level regarding the objective of the mission. The first two weeks will be used for field visit and data collection, the last week for report writing.

For more information, please look at the term of reference. 

All applications must be sent to Aude Morille, Health Advisor, to [email protected], and Laura Callot, Program Officer, to [email protected].

Date limite de réponse : Clôturé

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Stats Chaque année, Première Urgence Internationale affecte l’essentiel de ses ressources aux programmes qu’elle déploie sur ses différents terrains d’intervention et seulement 0,2% à la recherche de fonds. Vos dons sont essentiels.

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