Iraq – External Consultancy Water Sanitation and Hygiene
The objective of the requested consultancy mission is to propose mid-term and long-term options in order to reduce the risks related to solid wastes and grey/black water management, by improving the separation and collection of waste water inside the camp, and by treating those waste waters both inside and outside the camp. The proposed options must be in line with the context and technical, humanitarian and legal existing frame, and budgeted in order to allow proper advocacy toward donors and authorities.
The evaluator is expected to provide PUI with technical solutions (specified in terms of mid and long-term) to treatment and disposal of black water, grey water and solid wastes generated in Gawilan Camp. The different options should be ranked in terms of feasibility and budgeted and their rational clearly detailed and DIMENSIONED in the final report.
Moreover, the evaluation endeavors to take into consideration the lessons learnt from the implementation of previous projects in case of continued activities on the same topic.
Selection Method
The candidates interested are requested to submit their application by email before the 21st of February, 2017 at 12PM to Pierre Manuel Mendez [email protected]
This application must include:
- A CV of the evaluator.
- A cover letter describing the relevant experiences regarding the present evaluation, the registration number of the entity and/or the consultant and at least 2 relevant referrals. This letter should also mention the evaluator’s availabilities.
- A technical offer signed and scanned presenting the understanding of the present Terms of Reference, the approach suggested including the methodology and the evaluative questions in relation with the mentioned criteria.
- A financial offer signed and scanned indicating all the costs related to the completion of the service (including the accommodation, food, transport and communication expenses) including all of the following information’s:
- The name, address of the consultant and its signature (stamp if exist),
- The currency,
- Terms of payment,
- The date of the offer,
- The validity of the offer,
- The terms and timetable of the report delivery,
- A reference table of the major evaluations carried out (maximum 10)