Call for Tender – WASH projects (Small Item kits)- Afghanistan

The aim of Première Urgence – Aide Medical INTERNATIONAL (PU-AMI) is to provide a comprehensive response to all the basic needs of populations affected by humanitarian crisis, from emergency until recovery of autonomy. PU-AMI’s strategy is based on an integrated approach when defining projects with various medical and non-medical expertise. PUI’s action is developed in partnership with the local communities, the authorities and the civil society.

PU-AMI is present since 1979 in Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan and is lauching a call for quotations for the contract award of WASH Project masket described bellow:

Lot number Lot description
Lot 1 AWD Response Kit
Lot 2 Flood Response Kit
Lot 3 Water Kit
Lot 4 Shock Chlorination Kit


For more information, please refer to the :

The applications have to include the following documents, duly completed, stamped and signed:

  • Annex A: Submission form;
  • Annex B: Model of financial offer or equivalent proposed by the bidder
  • Annex C: Model of bid guarantie;
  • Annex D: Model of financial identification;
  • Annex E: Production capacity (optional);
  • Annex F: Competitive criteria (optional).
  • Annex G: List of additional documents

The additional documents to be listed in the Annex G must imperatively include:

  • Legal authorization for commercial activities in the country of the company delivered by the relevant ministry ;
  • Certificate of tax situation of previsous year
  • Copy of identity card of legal representative.

IMPORTANT: Before completing the tender participation, file and collecting the requested documents, the candidate must ensure it will not match the criteria of ineligibility and exclusion, otherwise he will be eliminated.

Deadline for submission:

The documentation of participation can be withdrawn during the opening hours (Sunday to Thursday, from 8 am to 4 pm). In order to register your application, you have to imperatively submit the documentation before 8th May 2024

Application to be addressed to:

[email protected]

The documents in electronic version (scanned) can only to:
[email protected]

Please put the reference to the tender in the email Subject:
AFG/Mission/24/WASH SMALL Item Kits/002

Date limite de réponse : Clôturé

Comment sont utilisés vos dons ?

Stats Chaque année, Première Urgence Internationale affecte l’essentiel de ses ressources aux programmes qu’elle déploie sur ses différents terrains d’intervention et seulement 0,2% à la recherche de fonds. Vos dons sont essentiels.

Reprendre en main son destin !

Vos dons sont les garants de notre liberté d’action. Ils nous permettent de venir en aide aux populations affectées par des crises oubliées qui ne retiennent l’attention ni des médias, ni des bailleurs de fonds institutionnels. Les sommes collectées constituent ainsi les fonds propres de l’association, lui donnant une autonomie d’action et une réactivité accrue.
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