Armenia – Mental Health and Psychosocial Support Consultant

Country / Region: Armenia
Start date: 19 th of April 2021
Duration: 7,5 months
Source of funding: CDCS


Following the conflict escalation in Nagorno-Karabakh at the end of September 2020, PUI decided in October to organize a first exploratory mission in order to meet state authorities and humanitarian actors in Armenia, and thus evaluate the support that the organization would bring to this response.

In light of the fast evolution of the context and the ceasefire signed between Armenia and Azerbaijan, PUI decided to organize a second needs-assessment in Armenia, focusing on MHPSS which was identified as a need during the first exploration mission.

PUI launched its first MHPSS project and humanitarian mission in Armenia on the 1st of March.


  • General objective

Ensure the quality of our Mental Health and Psychosocial Support interventions on PUI’s Armenia mission

  • Specific objective

During the 7.5 months of the consultancy, it will be more specifically about providing technical support and monitoring MHPSS interventions on the CDCS project of the Armenia mission in order to improve the quality of MHPSS activities in accordance with the intervention framework of the internal MHPSS sector of PUI and with the international recommendations of the sector.

This technical support will be accomplished through:

  • Regular technical exchanges with the MHPSS coordinator in order to advise and bring technical MHPSS expertise on the project and ongoing activities
  • Regular exchanges with the mission leader in the framework of the operational follow-up and during the development of MHPSS strategy, as well as for possible new project proposals in MHPSS
  • Occasional exchanges with the emergency manager regarding operational monitoring, mission development and potential interactions with the media.
  • Support for the development of PUI technical tools adapted to MHPSS activities in Armenia and adapted to the Armenian context to ensure that minimum standards in the sector are met
  • Support to propose and deploy MHPSS training contents to strengthen the capacities of PUI field teams and different partners
  • Support for the development and monitoring of the partnership strategy with key MHPSS networks and actors on the Armenia mission
  • Development of a MHPSS sectoral intervention framework for PUI in Armenia, based on PUI’s global MHPSS framework and in coherence with other existing sectoral intervention frameworks
  • Support for project proposals/reports.

Please find the Terms of Reference here.


The budget will be proposed by the consultant as part of the financial proposal/quote.


Interested parties should submit in French or English:

  • A technical proposal presenting:
  • An understanding of the challenges of the MHPSS consultancy and the proposed Terms of Reference (ToR)
  • A technical proposal presenting the methodology adopted and the tools proposed for the support to the prioritized missions, the organization of the field visits and the achievement of the set objectives
  • The timeline presenting the details for the realization of each phase of the consultancy.
  • A financial offer including a detailed budget by headings (fees, travel, other costs)
  • An updated CV
  • An example of similar studies
  • References

Applicants should send all documentation in electronic format to: 

Melissa Robinchon: [email protected]

Cc: Tinou-paï Blanc: [email protected]

The deadline for submissions will be April 9, 2021.

Date limite de réponse : Clôturé

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