Training on Goat Veterinary and Reproduction in Democratic People’s Republic of Korea

As part of our actions in the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, we are looking for a consultant to provide an academic training session to 20 professors of Agricultural University on goat veterinary and reproduction.

The training will take place one week (5 working days) between January 2019 and March 2019 (according to the trainer’s availability and proposal). Service providers are invited to express their interest and send their offer before December 6, 2018. During the writing of their proposal files, the tenderers may send questions and enquiries to PUI’s Project Manager in the DPRK: Amélie GUIOT-ZIMMERMANN, [email protected], with the Asia Program Officer at PUI headquarters in cc: Clément CHAPPE, [email protected].

For more information, please look at the complete consultancy description.

Answer limit date : Closed

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