Nigeria – Consultancy on the feasibility and creation of a 2019 strategy for the Maiduguri Inter-Agency Logistics Platform
Premiere Urgence Internationale (“PUI”) has been managing Maiduguri Inter-Agency Logistics Platform (MIALP) with WFP Logistics Sector since November, 1st 2016. The Platform offers free of charge logistics services to Borno’s humanitarian community. The current WFP grant supporting the project will end December, 31st 2017. The present proposal presents the extension of the project for the first quarter of 2018. To that extent, the following consideration ought to be taken into account to ensure the continuation of quality services to the humanitarian organizations operating in Borno, Nigeria.
From January 2018 to June 2018, the common warehouse was used by 30 partners (including PUI). The MIALP offers multiple services to the humanitarian community : common warehouse (MSU, timber sheds, warehouse), temperature controlled area, kitting area, UNHAS cargo consolidation, training room space available upon request for all partners and logistics trainings.
At the end of 2018, WFP expressed its wish to stop supporting the MIALP to focus on logistics activities in new accessible and hard to reach areas. In this context, PUI plans on review the possibilities to continue its logistics services toward humanitarian partner in Maiduguri. One option would be to study the feasibility of a cost recovery logistics platform trough an external consultancy.
The consultant will work under the direct supervision of the Deputy Head of Mission for Program.
His/Her main tasks are:
- Elaborate a plan for a smooth and tailored to the context cost sharing solution. This includes: partnership and invoicing mechanisms, a detailed implementation planning, a contact list of partners (including contacts for invoicing), templates of tools;
- Realise a market study on storage space capacities and opportunities in Maiduguri (average price per square meter, availability…);
- Analyze the results of a survey deployed by PUI to the humanitarian partners using the MIALP services (international NGOs and agencies) on their willingness to engage with the logistics platform in the medium to long term;
- Develop one on one contacts and discussions with partners having expressed their wish to benefit from the platform even under cost sharing solution, to better tailor the mechanism to their needs, capacities, internal processes, and to ensure that they are properly and timely informed about the unfolding of the cost sharing solution
- Collect all documentation related to the legal aspect of the project with the cost recovery aspect (registration, payment tax/tax…)
- Establish the different possible scenarios of a transition to a total recovery of costs and propose a relevant billing system to ensure the viability of the project without donor funding;
- Propose and provide to the team some strategic and relevant adjustments to improve its efficiency, the sustainability of the actions and the impact on the partners
- Provide communications tools for remittances and presentations of the project and of the principle of cost recovery.
To be valid, your application should include the following documents:
- Your Curriculum Vitae;
- An application letter demonstrating your abilities / qualities / experiences to perform the consultancy
- A budget
- A detailed schedule of the implementation of the consultancy;
- A reference document or an extract from document written and signed by you (max. 5 pages) showing your writing skills in relation to a subject of evaluation/audit or a strategy (any other type of document / subject irrelevant will bring the) disqualification of the candidate);
For more detail, please look at the compelte consultancy description.
Candidates should send all of this documentation in electronic format to Mr Guillaume GIARD: [email protected]. Cc : [email protected] with the following subject: “NGA – Consultancy on logistic platform”.