Humanitarian context
Considered one of the poorest countries in the world, Niger is at the heart of several crises: Lake Chad, the Sahel as a whole, and a migration crisis. These affect the country already heavily impacted by structural issues.
The region of Tillaberi is directly affected by the ongoing insecurity in the “three borders” zone (Burkina Faso, Mali and Niger). People face problems in accessing basic resources and services, particularly in terms of access to health care. The COVID-19 pandemic has also affected the living conditions of already vulnerable populations. In Niger, 3.8 million people are currently in need of humanitarian assistance.
Key figures
Description of the mission
Première Urgence Internationale is present in the Sahel region since the 1990s by implementing health programs to help vulnerable populations, notably in the Agadez region of Niger.
At the end of 2017, faced with the deteriorating security situation in the “3 frontiers” zone, and in particular in the Tillaberi region of Niger, Première Urgence Internationale decided to develop a regional strategy in the Sahel Central region and reopen a mission in Niger. Today, Première Urgence Internationale has a coordination office in Niamey as well as two operational bases in Ouallam and Torodi, in the Tillaberi region and an operational base in Maradi.
Premiere Urgence Internationale in action
Première Urgence Internationale‘s actions in Niger aim to improve access to care and to strengthen monitoring and warning systems, particularly at the community level, while working to strengthen health structures in the Tillabéri and Maradi regions in the long term. Our teams are strengthening the health system by supporting the region’s health centres and deploying mobile clinics to facilitate access to care. Première Urgence Internationale[1] also contributes to meeting primary and mental health needs through a rapid response mechanism. This year, the mission in Niger has stepped up its community health activities so that people continue to have access to health care in the most remote areas. In addition, a new base was opened in Maradi to provide health assistance to displaced populations and guests affected by the insecurity in the region. Finally, Première Urgence Internationale is adopting a regional approach in the Central Sahel with missions in Mali and Burkina Faso to strengthen our impact in this complex crisis.
[1] In consortium with COOPI and Alima.