Middle East


mission start date
national staff
expatriate staff
823 072
people supported
mission start date
national staff
expatriate staff
823 072
people supported


Pharmaceutical inventory in Akkar, northern Lebanon, March 2024 @Première Urgence Internationale / Mohammad Zock

Lebanon is characterized by a high level of political, economic and social instability. The explosion in the port of Beirut exacerbated this instability in August 2020, marking a further blow to the Lebanese population’s trust in the authorities. Recent years have seen the collapse of the Lebanese currency and, more generally, of its economy. The complexity of this crisis makes any humanitarian intervention all the more crucial and complex. Lebanon hosts the highest number of refugees per capita in the world, with a ratio of 1.5 million Syrian refugees to 2.1 million Lebanese in need of humanitarian aid. According to the United Nations, the context has had an increasing impact on the health sector, negatively affecting access to primary healthcare for the most vulnerable.

Our approach
Description of the mission

Première Urgence Internationale provides support to vulnerable populations in Lebanon, including Syrian and Palestinian refugees, internally displaced people and the host population. This approach identifies and understands the needs of crisis-affected people, considering all dimensions of the problem to propose effective solutions with lasting impact.

Moreover, our teams aim to reduce tensions between communities and to provide assistance to vulnerable local populations affected by the massive influx of refugees.

Since the start of hostilities on the border with Israel as soon as October 2023, Première Urgence Internationale has been providing much needed assistance to people affected by the conflict and internally displaced people following the bombing of villages.

Première Urgence Internationale
in action

Present in the country since 1996, our mission aims at tackling the country’s chronic underdevelopment. Strengthening the healthcare system is therefore the first priority.  Activities include: delivering subsidized services at primary healthcare center and hospital levels, supplying medical equipment, training staff, rehabilitating health centers, particularly in terms of access to water, increasing the number of primary and mental health consultations, strengthening the health information system. Particular attention is paid to children and pregnant or lactating women.

The second part of PUI’s action focuses on the rehabilitation of housing or shelters, rent assistance and the protection of vulnerable populations through the provision of case management and cash assistance.

A social worker in charge of protection advises a beneficiary in Saïda, South Lebanon ©Première Urgence Internationale / Mohammad Zock

Shelter rehabilitation activities in Akkar, North Lebanon ©Première Urgence Internationale / Mohammad Zock

A staff member performs a COVID-19 test during a home visit in Akkar ©Première Urgence Internationale / Mohammad Zock

Kevin Charbel

Lebanon Head of Mission © Première Urgence Internationale

“Despite the challenging humanitarian and security context, our teams are positioned at the forefront of relief operations, supporting the most vulnerable populations in Lebanon.”

Latest News

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Nos actualités

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Lebanon – Supporting healthcare to respond to the emergency

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Nigeria : severe anemia, a challenge for women’s maternity

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Fighting malnutrition in Yemen: the story of Saida and Sara

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Supporting families in Lebanon: Ammar’s story

Lebanon Middle East + 1

Child health care in Nigeria: essential humanitarian assistance

Africa Nigeria + 1
motherhood in lebanon

Motherhood in exile: giving birth safely in Lebanon

Lebanon Middle East + 1


Our donors

ECHO (European Commission)

NDICI (Neighbourhood, Development and International Cooperation Instrument)

BHA (Bureau of Humanitarian Assitance)

LHF (Lebanon Humanitarian Fund)

UNICEF (United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund)

BPRM (Bureau of Population, Refugees and Migration, U.S Department of State)

Fondation Abbé Pierre

AFD (Agence Française de Développement)

ECHO (European Commission)

NDICI (Neighbourhood, Development and International Cooperation Instrument)

BHA (Bureau of Humanitarian Assitance)

LHF (Lebanon Humanitarian Fund)

UNICEF (United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund)

BPRM (Bureau of Population, Refugees and Migration, U.S Department of State)

Fondation Abbé Pierre

AFD (Agence Française de Développement)

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Thank you
Your support enables us to have a positive impact on 5 million people located in crisis zones every year.
