From 2013 to 2016, Première Urgence Internationale has been setting up a women’s support programme to assist them in developing their business plans in Occupied Palestinian Territory. The project has been developed in 10 governorates in the north of the West Bank and has helped sixty women to launch their micro-enterprises or small businesses in areas such as agriculture, photography, fashion, baking and even the arts.

Each of these women was able to benefit from advice, training, specific follow up and financial support. The goal: to help women in particular from impoverished and marginalised rural areas to become more independent.

Fatima Raddad, from the Salfit Governorate, is one of the beneficiaries of the project. Thanks to Première Urgence Internationale, she has developed a business in ceramics.

What was your situation before benefitting from the project?

I studied in the Faculty of Arts at An-Najah University and I earned a degree in ceramics. Like other graduates, I looked for a job but opportunities are very limited in this area. The economic situation is not very good. I often thought about setting up my own business producing and selling art, decorated glass and porcelain but I had always been put off by the high costs that this would entail.

Tell us a little about your participation in the project.  

I heard about this project in my village through the council and I decided to apply to be a beneficiary. Première Urgence Internationale, in partnership with ‘Women for Life’, helped me to develop my business and I had financial support to buy expensive equipment that I would not have been able to get on my own. I bought the raw materials with my own money.

How do you see your project in the months and years to come?

I would like to increase production and extend my marketing target audience to the local Palestinian market. I also hope to organise some ceramic training sessions for people who would like to learn the techniques. At the moment, the ceramics industry only exists in the Hebron area. It hasn’t been developed in Nablus or the governorates nearby because of the restrictions on movement imposed by the Israeli occupation. I would also like to set up a production line in my area.


How your donations are used?

Stats Each year, Première Urgence Internationale allocates most of its resources to the programs and activities and only 0.2% to fundraising. Your donations are crucial.

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