Settler violence in Occupied Palestinian Territory: “I didn’t know what to do to protect my baby”
Settler violence against Palestinian civilians are an almost daily occurrence in the West Bank. In 2018, due to settler violence, 119 Palestinians were injured, and 3 Palestinians were killed. Première Urgence Internationale met Raja, a Palestinian mother of three, who has been victim of a settler attack with her children.
The Settler violence in the West Bank
In the West Bank, settler violence against Palestinian civilians is illustrated almost daily.
On April 14th, a settler attack targeting a Palestinian family was captured on a security camera. Illegal Israeli settlements are often located only hundreds of meters away from Palestinian villages.
In the aftermath of this attack, the teams of Première Urgence Internationale visited the family attacked, and talked to Raja Shehadeh, the young mother that appeared in the video.
Here is her testimony. Watch the interview of Raja:
“After the attack, I was shaking everywhere. I felt weak and nearly collapsed”
In 2018, according to the United Nations OCHA, there were 339 cases of settler violence against palestinians recorded.
Première Urgence Internationale has had a presence in the West Bank since 2002 and implements projects in the north of the territory in order to protect the population.