La chronique N°130 – March 2019

This issue of March 2019 speaks about a conflict that has been raging since 2009 in northeastern Nigeria.

Première Urgence Internationale is since April 2016 in the region to provide “integrated” humanitarian aid to tackle the crisis on all levels: nutrition and food security but also health and protection.

Since October 2018, psychological support is also offered.

Discover testimonies of women survivors of armed groups. You will also find the interview of the journalist Mathieu Dejan who went with Première Urgence Internationale in Maiduguri at the end of 2018.

How your donations are used?

Stats Each year, Première Urgence Internationale allocates most of its resources to the programs and activities and only 0.2% to fundraising. Your donations are crucial.

Take control of your destiny

Your donations ensure our freedom of action. They allow us to provide support to those affected by crises that have been forgotten by the media and institutional sponsors. It means that the decisions of how to use all of the donations collected are taken by the organisation. It gives us the freedom to act and to increase our responsiveness.
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