
Nigeria : A year after, Hope and Healing in Katsina

In the heart of Nigeria’s Katsina State, the Mashi Local Government Area (LGA) has been grappling with a silent but deadly crisis: severe acute malnutrition. This life-threatening condition has left many children under five in dire need of medical and nutritional support.  

Women join forces to tackle malnutrition in Cameroon

Due to extreme weather conditions and the complex security crisis, the Far North region suffers from one of the highest rates of chronic food deficit and acute malnutrition in the country.

Lean season:Food insecurity in Cameroon

What is the lean season in Cameroon?             

Known as one of the most difficult periods for populations living on agriculture, the lean season is characterized by insufficient food resources. It marks the period before the first harvests, when produce from previous harvests is insufficient to cover household food needs. As a result, foodstuffs become scarce and prices rise on the market, increasing the population’s vulnerability to food insecurity. In Cameroon’s Far North region, where agriculture accounts for around 55% of the population’s activities, over 2.5 million people are acutely food and nutritionally insecure.  

Medical and psychosocial support for displaced persons in Ansongo, Mali

Since December 2023, Première Urgence Internationale has been working with displaced persons at the Cap d’Ansongo site to meet their urgent needs in the health and psychosocial support sectors.

Libya: emergency aid for victims of storm Daniel

The passage of storm Daniel on 10 September 2023 caused devastating flooding in north-east Libya. The violence of this climatic phenomenon caused the Al-Bilad and Abu Mansour dams in the city of Derna to burst. More than 30 million cubic metres of water poured into the city, causing enormous material and human damage.

“The war in Sudan must not become a forgotten crisis”, and yet…

The imperative used by the French Minister of Foreign Affairs, Stéphane Séjourné, last February is a reminder of the need not to look away from what could be one of the worst crises in recent history[1].

Preventing childhood diseases in the Central African Republic

In the Bamingui-Bangoran prefecture, located in the north-east of the Central African Republic, the three most common childhood illnesses are malaria, diarrhea and infectious respiratory diseases. Our teams support the management of these diseases by improving access to primary healthcare in communities far from health centers.  

Central African Republic: a pillar of logistics for humanitarian aid

For almost 10 years, Première Urgence Internationale has been an indispensable pillar of logistics in the Central African Republic (CAR), combining innovative infrastructures for humanitarian action with capacity building to ensure the long-term integration and participation of local players in the country’s logistics coordination mechanisms.


The crisis that has gripped Mali for over 10 years now, particularly in the north and center of the country, has taken its toll on the country’s healthcare system. Access to quality healthcare is increasingly difficult for the Malian population, including in the central and southern regions, which are directly affected by the growing insecurity affecting the entire country. In these regions, women and children face particular vulnerabilities in the health sector, exacerbated by the lack of functional health infrastructures and qualified health personnel.

Gender-based violence in Mali: medical and psychosocial care for survivors

The crisis that Mali has been experiencing for over 10 years exposes the population to a wide range of risks. The deteriorating security situation in the north and center of the country has led to an increase in incidents and human rights violations, particularly affecting women and girls. The latter are the main victims of various forms of gender-based violence (GBV), whether physical, sexual, mental or economic.

How your donations are used?

Stats Each year, Première Urgence Internationale allocates most of its resources to the programs and activities and only 0.2% to fundraising. Your donations are crucial.

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Your donations ensure our freedom of action. They allow us to provide support to those affected by crises that have been forgotten by the media and institutional sponsors. It means that the decisions of how to use all of the donations collected are taken by the organisation. It gives us the freedom to act and to increase our responsiveness.
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