

mission start date
national staff
expatriate staff
239 909
people supported
mission start date
national staff
expatriate staff
239 909
people supported


A mother and child forced to leave their village to take refuge at the Targada site for displaced persons due to insecurity / Gao Region ©Studio 360

Since 2012 Mali has been plunged into an armed conflict with regional dimensions. The clashes have generated a complex crisis in which populations are faced with chronic poverty and insecurity is leading to a destabilization of basic services, particularly in the areas of health and nutrition.

The situation worsened in 2023, as security became increasingly precarious in the north and center of the country, and the conflict spread further south. Armed groups intensified their activities throughout the country, complicating humanitarian operations. Population movements continued to intensify in 2023, as people sought to flee armed group attacks, recurring military operations and numerous inter-community conflicts.

In Mali, 7.1 million people are in need of humanitarian assistance, i.e. 30% of the population.

Our approach
Description of the mission

Première Urgence Internationale has been active in Mali for over 10 years, responding to the crisis that is particularly affecting the north and center of the country. Teams are present in Kidal (Kidal and Tessalit circles since 2013), Gao (Ansongo circle since 2014), Bandiagara (Bankass and Bandiagara circles since 2019) and San (Tominian circle since 2023). Première Urgence Internationale’s major objective is to continue its assistance to Mali while strengthening its integrated response capacity, drawing on its expertise in health, nutrition, support, water, sanitation and hygiene, and food security. The mission includes more than 130 employees, mobilized to implement activities in five intervention zones in the north, center and south of the country.

Première Urgence Internationale
in action

Première Urgence Internationale aims to meet the most critical needs of crisis-affected populations, offering a comprehensive response to health, nutrition, food security, psychosocial support and water, hygiene and sanitation. Teams intervene mainly in support of health centers and on a mobile basis to respond rapidly to the needs of displaced or remote populations. At the same time, the mission aims to treat and mitigate the spread of HIV, tuberculosis and malaria.

These interventions are carried out in the regions of Gao, Bandiagara, Kidal and recently San.

Première Urgence Internationale is present in all these areas as a key player, with the capacity to provide medical as well as psychosocial care to internally displaced persons in response to the numerous population movements.

The mobile clinic doctor provides free consultations to displaced populations. Targada site – Ansongo circle, Gao region, Mali, June 2023 © Studio 360

An internally displaced woman receives a free consultation at one of Bandiagara Central’s community health centers thanks to the support of Première Urgence Internationale / Bandiagara region ©Studio 360

The mobile clinic nurse gives a patient free medicines following a consultation carried out by the mobile clinic / Gao Region ©Studio 360

A child is screened for malnutrition as part of a consultation carried out by Première Urgence Internationale’s mobile clinic at a site for displaced persons / Gao Region ©Studio 360


Mali Head of Mission © Première Urgence Internationale

“Our teams in Mali are committed to implementing projects that address the most critical needs of populations affected by these crises. These are mainly children under 5, women and displaced persons.
Our aim is to guarantee access to healthcare services by providing an integrated response in the fields of health, nutrition, food security, water, sanitation and hygiene, mental health and psychosocial support.”

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Our donors

ECHO (European Commission)

USAID/BHA (Bureau of Humanitarian Assistance)

Le Fonds Mondial

OCHA (United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs

ECHO (European Commission)

USAID/BHA (Bureau of Humanitarian Assistance)

Le Fonds Mondial

OCHA (United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs

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Thank you
Your support enables us to have a positive impact on 5 million people located in crisis zones every year.
