La Chronique N°139 – December 2021

Check out our final issue of the year about our mental health and psychosocial support actions with the most vulnerable populations. Our work aims to strengthen individuals’ and groups’ resilience and build on positive coping mechanisms by giving people the means to become agents of change, at a community level but also individually.

The people we work with are children and young people affected by conflicts or in psychological distress, bereaved people, mothers or pregnant women needing support and victims of gender-based violence.

Find also the interview of Laure Wolmark, clinical psychologist, about Covid’s impact on the mental health of migrant populations.

How your donations are used?

Stats Each year, Première Urgence Internationale allocates most of its resources to the programs and activities and only 0.2% to fundraising. Your donations are crucial.

Take control of your destiny

Your donations ensure our freedom of action. They allow us to provide support to those affected by crises that have been forgotten by the media and institutional sponsors. It means that the decisions of how to use all of the donations collected are taken by the organisation. It gives us the freedom to act and to increase our responsiveness.
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