Symposium at the French Senate: “Daily life in the Occupied Palestinian Territories”

On 14th December, Première Urgence Internationale will participate in a meeting at the French Senate, organised by a France-Palestine Friendship Group. Jehad Abu Hassan, field co-ordinator in Gaza, will take part in the discussion – titled “Daily life in the Occupied Palestinian Territories” – to talk about the difficult living conditions there.

Première Urgence Internationale has been working in the Occupied Palestinian Territories since 2002, and its activity there is focused on sustaining the livelihoods of the populations affected by violations of international law, particularly around the colonies on the West Bank and in the Access Restricted Areas in Gaza.

As a direct witness to the situation, Première Urgence Internationale has recently received invitations from a number of bodies, including the French Senate, the European Parliament and the United Nations Special Committee to Investigate Israeli Practices Affecting the Human Rights of the Palestinian People and Other Arabs of the Occupied Territories, to publicly present what the organisation observes in the field on a daily basis. These speaking opportunities form an integral part of the advocacy work that the ONG has been carrying out for the past several years in order to raise awareness among both political decision-makers and the general public, and to call for accountability in a situation whose resolution will inevitably be political.

As part of its advocacy and awareness-raising work, Première Urgence Internationale regularly publishes studies highlighting the recurring violations of international law it has observed in the region, in collaboration with several French and local NGOs. Some of these are listed below:

Participation in the symposium “Daily Life in the Occupied Palestinian Territories” is free, but access to the Senate is conditional on:

– advance registration to the symposium, on a named and individual basis

– presentation of proof of identity on entry

Registration is by telephone on 01 42 34 33 07 or by email to [email protected].

Date : Monday 14th December 2015
Timetable : 9 am to 5 pm
Place : Palais du Luxembourg

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