Tender for awarding a framework contract of Cash Transfer Programming, Financial Service Provider, Programme Management System

Tender for awarding a framework contract of Cash Transfer Programming, Financial Service Provider, Programme Management System

Tender reference : HQ/STC-01/CASH/2021

Starting date : October 2021



The aim of Première Urgence Internationale (PUI) is to provide a comprehensive response to all the basic needs of populations affected by humanitarian crisis, from emergency until recovery of autonomy. PUI’s strategy is based on an integrated approach when defining projects with various expertise: health and nutrition, protection, food security and livelihoods, WASH. PUI’s action is developed in partnership with the local communities, the authorities and the civil society.

Cash and Voucher Assistance (CVA) in humanitarian setting has grown exponentially the past years. This increased demand for transferring money to high number of beneficiaries in parallel with a demanding level of accountability lead the way to the adoption of innovative technological solutions for the management of such activities (data management platform, e-payment…Such systems have the potential to provide more efficient and reliable delivery of cash payments PUI intends to develop its CVA though the use of secured platforms and payment mechanisms allowing the safeguard of sensitive data and the secured payment and reconciliation of CVA in a timely and effective way, in any context.



PUI is looking for a secured system and solution to support the delivery of cash, voucher and in-kind assistance to support PUI team on the beneficiaries’ registration, database management, payment of assistance to suppliers and beneficiaries, reconciliation of payment between actors, monitoring and evaluation.



PUI needs a flexible system to adapt to its intervention’s context and to its projects using different kind of disbursement modality used by PUI: Voucher (value and commodity), E-voucher (value and commodity), E-cash, Cash, In-kind assistance


For more information, please download the Tender participation file.



The Tenderers may send their questions in writing no later than the 10th of September 2021 before
the deadline of submission of the offers, specifying the reference of the Tender at email to:
[email protected]

Each Tender participation file, including all the annexes and accompanying documents with the object mentioning only the following tender reference: HQ/STC-01/CASH/2021
(Every offer having other object may be rejected)

Answer limit date : Closed

How your donations are used?

Stats Each year, Première Urgence Internationale allocates most of its resources to the programs and activities and only 0.2% to fundraising. Your donations are crucial.

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Your donations ensure our freedom of action. They allow us to provide support to those affected by crises that have been forgotten by the media and institutional sponsors. It means that the decisions of how to use all of the donations collected are taken by the organisation. It gives us the freedom to act and to increase our responsiveness.
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