

“This is the first step along a path we are taking together to improve access to basic social services for the people of Tillabéri in general, and in particular for the most vulnerable people.”These were the words that Soumaila Marsanda, Prefect for the department of Ouallam, used to start the workshop to launch Première Urgence Internationale’s new project in Niger.  This workshop took place on 12th September 2019, in Ouallam in the Tillabéri region.


The inhabitants of the Kayin State have to deal with countless diseases, all because of poor water quality. Along with two technical experts from Aquassistance, Timothée Le Guellec, an expert in water, sanitation and hygiene for Première Urgence Internationale formed an evaluation team that went to south-eastern Myanmar, to the Kayin State, to analyse the situation and offer solutions.

Syrian refugees in Jordan: For recognition, rights and services

In Jordan, Première Urgence Internationale carried out a project in order to help the Syrian refugees to access basic services and increase their freedom of movement.

Rehabilitating quarters, reconstructing lives

Some Internally Displaced Persons and Syrian Refugees are deciding to return home. Unfortunately the scars of the crisis are often deeply marking their neighborhoods. Première Urgence Internationale is working in ten governorates of Syria, implementing an area based Integrated strategy to make their reintegration easier. Hani Bitar, in charge of the Homs / Hama base, explains.

Working close to the front line in Ukraine

Svetlana is a nurse in Mayorsk in one of the medical centres supported by Première Urgence Internationale. This centre is 700 metres from the front line in Ukraine.

Humanitarian needs on the Syrian coast: a forgotten area

Osama Abad is in charge of the Première Urgence Internationale base in Syria. He coordinates work around the coastal cities of Tartus and Lattakia. These rural areas have been hosting millions of Internally Displaced People since 2012, but they are not receiving enough humanitarian aid.

Fareshta, medical doctor in Afghanistan

Fareshta is a female doctor who works for the mobile health clinics deployed by Première Urgence Internationale in the city of Herat in Western Afghanistan. She treats vulnerable persons.

Syrian refugees facing a precarious existence in Lebanon

In Lebanon in the Akkar district, Première Urgence Internationale ensures an emergencies support to the refugee population living in informal settlements in extremely precarious conditions.

The olive harvest, a key moment of the year in the West Bank

The harvest season for olives starts in October in the West Bank. This is a key moment of the year for Palestinians. It provides an income to farmers. It is also part of the heritage and the palestinian tradition.


On 28 September, an earthquake hit the north of the island of Sulawesi in Indonesia. A tsunami caused by the earthquake struck the city of Palu, home to around 300,000 residents. A few days later, Première Urgence Internationale sent an assessment team to Indonesia.

How your donations are used?

Stats Each year, Première Urgence Internationale allocates most of its resources to the programs and activities and only 0.2% to fundraising. Your donations are crucial.

Take control of your destiny

Your donations ensure our freedom of action. They allow us to provide support to those affected by crises that have been forgotten by the media and institutional sponsors. It means that the decisions of how to use all of the donations collected are taken by the organisation. It gives us the freedom to act and to increase our responsiveness.
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