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Première Urgence Internationale is always on the lookout for new talent to expand its team, whether at headquarters in France or in our 25 countries of intervention. Don't wait any longer, join us !

Our most recent job offers

We recruit people with specific skills in a wide range of fields related to our actions in the field. Commitment and professionalism are the two main characteristics of the staff in the field and at headquarters who implement Première Urgence Internationale’s emergency and post-emergency programs.

Whether you’re looking for a position in the field or at head office, a permanent contract or an internship, all our job offers on our website. Once you’ve checked that you have all the required skills, you can apply directly on our website, as indicated on the job description.

If your profile interests us, you will first be invited to an HR interview. Following this interview, a test and a technical interview will be scheduled. Finally, if this interview is conclusive, a managerial interview will be organized.

If you do not hear from us within approximately one month, you may consider that your application has unfortunately been unsuccessful. This does not affect your skills or the quality of your experience. We invite you to consult our job offers on a regular basis, and to apply again if an offer matches your criteria.

Contrôleur·euse de Gestion

Contrat à durée indéterminée

En tant que Contrôleur·euse de Gestion, vous serez responsable de la trésorerie, de la comptabilité, des aspects budgétaires et de la formation des coordinateurs administratifs et financiers sur les missions dont vous serez en charge et vous serez garant du respect des procédures financières internes de ces missions. A cet effet, vos responsabilités seront les suivantes :   Gestion de la trésorerie: Vous contrôlerez le prévisionnel mensuel de trésorerie, préparerez des avances pour les frais de fonctionnement des missions et vous suivrez les paiement des bailleurs des missions suivies.   Budget et Finance: Vous assurerez le suivi, l’analyse et la validation des budgets de projets en cours, ainsi que les rapports financiers à rendre et vous contrôlerez et validerez les budgets à proposer aux bailleurs pour les nouveaux projets.   Capitalisation et Formation : Vous assurerez la formation et l’accompagnement des nouveaux administrateurs des missions et vous participerez aux chantiers de capitalisation d’expériences et développement d’outils et procédures de gestion.   Comptabilité : Vous vous assurerez du respect des procédures de remontée des comptabilités par le terrain, vous contrôlerez les imputations analytiques en fonctions des budgets et vous contrôlerez la justesse et la qualité des informations transmises au service comptabilité.   Relations avec le terrain : Vous serez l’interlocuteur privilégié des coordinateurs administratifs et financiers.   Relations avec le siège: Vous ferez partie de l’équipe gestion et vous travaillerez en collaboration avec les personnes intégrant le pôle géographique.


Responsable Gestion des Ressources Humaines

Contrat à durée déterminée

En tant que Responsable de la Gestion des Ressources Humaines, vous serez en charge du développement de la gestion des ressources humaines, vous définirez et mettrez en œuvre l’organisation du service, les politiques, les procédures et outils nécessaires à une administration d’ensemble innovante et de qualité, pour l’ensemble des personnels. A cet effet, vos responsabilités seront les suivantes :   Management : Vous encadrerez et coordonnerez le service (8 personnes), vous élaborerez les plans d’action en cohérence avec la stratégie pluriannuelle et accompagnerez la transformation du service et son organisation.   Encadrement de la Gestion administrative des personnels Siège et Expatriés : Vous superviserez la gestion de l’ensemble des dossiers administratifs, la tenue du registre du personnel et les dossiers d’assistance, vous gérerez d’éventuels litiges et contentieux concernant les personnels Siège et Terrain.   Rémunération, paie, cotisations et taxes relatives au Siège et aux Expatriés: vous superviserez l’ensemble des opérations de paie, avec délégation aux équipes en charge, ainsi que les cotisations sociales, assurantielles et les déclarations annuelles. Vous gérerez les relations avec les prestataires et les organismes sociaux et assurantiels. Vous collaborerez avec le service Comptabilité afin de transmettre tous les éléments de paie et de facturation. Vous validerez les opérations liées aux salaires et aux taxes avant demande d’exécution de paiement.   Appui à la Gestion des Ressources Humaines Nationales : Vous encadrerez les ressources siège dédiées à l’appui sur la gestion des ressources humaines nationales. Vous superviserez le déploiement du logiciel de paie sur les missions.   Développement des politiques, procédures et outils en matière de gestion administrative des RH Siège et Terrain : Vous accompagnerez la transformation numérique du service, continuerez à adapter les politiques, procédures et outils afin d’améliorer l’efficacité de l’organisation du travail au sein du service. Vous gérerez les politiques de gestion des RH innovantes et de qualité en réponse à l’évolution des obligations légales et des besoins de l’association en matière de gestion administrative, et vous assurerez leur déploiement effectif auprès des personnels. Vous assurerez un rôle de veille sociale sur l’évolution de la règlementation. Vous contribuerez à la réflexion sur les dossiers transversaux en ce qui concerne les questions de contractualisation, de protection, de rémunération et leur mise en œuvre.   Animation des relations interservices : Vous partagerez l’information sur l’actualité du service, vous piloterez les chantiers RH nécessitant l’implication d’autres services, en étroite collaboration avec la DRH.   Développement des relations extérieures : Vous serez en lien avec les autres ONG et les partenaires dans le cadre de l’amélioration des politiques, procédures et outils en termes de gestion des ressources humaines pour toutes les populations.


Mission Pharmacist

Contrat à durée déterminée

As Pharmacy Manager, under the responsibility of the Health Coordinator, you must ensure the general smooth functioning of the mission’s PUI pharmacies, ensuring adequate, quality and timely supply of medicines, consumables and medical equipment. You will be responsible for providing technical support to the teams in the field and strengthening their capacities. For this purpose, you will be responsible for :   Data collection, consolidation and analysis: You ensure that data collection relating to pharmaceutical management is effective, reliable and up to date. You perform regular analysis.   Supply management: You supervise the entire supply chain, from the preparation of medical orders to their delivery.   Flow and inventory management: You ensure adequate stock management (purchase, storage, distribution, inventory, consumption monitoring, etc.). You do everything possible to avoid drug shortages.   Management of supplies for bases and health centers: You ensure that orders from health centers are relevant, rational, documented and delivered on time.   Staff supervision and technical support: You provide regular technical training and contributes to strengthening the capacities of local teams.   Reporting / Representation: You regularly report on your activities and represents the organization at external technical meetings.


Multisectoral Project Manager – Kharkiv

Contrat à durée déterminée

As Multisectoral Project Manager, under the responsibility of the Field Coordinator, you will be responsible for the implementation and supervision of all project activities, and you will manage PUI’s human and financial resources dedicated to project activities. For this purpose, you will be responsible for :   Programmes: He/she will ensure the qualitative implementation and monitoring of the programme(s) in compliance with the PUI policy and intervention framework and the agreement signed with the donor.   Human Resources : You will supervise the team (PUI employees and possible daily workers.   Reporting to donors : you will write and coordinate the writing of the final reports coming up on the base.   Logistics and administration : you will ensure that the logistics and administrative procedures of the activities under his/her responsibility are respected.   Representation : you will represent the association with partners, authorities and local actors involved in the implementation of programmes.   Security : You will contribute to the respect of security rules on the base and you will transmit all security information to his/her line manager.   Strategy : You will contribute to the development of new interventions based on identified needs.



Contrat à durée déterminée

As Logistician, you will ensure the efficient management of your logistics at base level. Your role will be to organize an efficient support logistics and a comprehensive supply chain that includes the last kilometer. You will contribute to the implementation of good practices, tools and procedures to carry out activities properly. For this purpose, you will be responsible for :   Supply Chain: You will actively contribute to the coordination and implementation of the supply chain strategy for your base. You will ensure that the administrative and operational components of the supply chain are in place and functional at your own level. You will guarantee that PUI’s related procedures, policies and tools linked with purchases, transport and storages are in place and are respected. You will make sure that relevant links are woven with the coordination so as to avoid delays, loss, gaps in the HQ – coordination – field supply chain.   Support logistics management: You will ensure that all teams have the means, resources and tools they need to carry out their activities. You will actively contribute to the dimensioning of your base in terms of facilities (working and living spaces), materials, equipment, services allowing a well functioning on your base.   Security: You will have to ensure that at your own level the necessary means and frameworks are existing so as to implement the security rules related to communications, movements and facility management.   Team management: You will be responsible for the tailoring of your team, and the validation of their job description. You will be responsible for the line management of specified logistics staff in accordance with related HR policies and procedures, including recruitment and performance appraisal.   Functioning of the bases: You will support all teams in the framework of redeployment / installation / rehabilitation / closure of your base.   Coordination: You will centralize and disseminate logistics information at the base level. You will consolidate the internal reporting and will communicate it in time to the coordination team.   Representation: You will represent the organization in forums, amongst partners, authorities and different local actors involved in the logistics fields.


Chargé·e de suivi des projets et contrats bailleurs

Contrat à durée déterminée

En tant que Chargé·e de suivi des projets et contrats bailleurs, vous assurerez l’élaboration des propositions de projets et la rédaction des rapports en accord avec le calendrier de dépôt et de rapportage applicable aux missions du pôle dans le respect des procédures de l’Association pour la zone dont vous serez en charge. A cet effet, vos responsabilités seront les suivantes :   Propositions de projet : Vous participerez à la rédaction, à la révision sur le fond et sur la forme des nouvelles propositions de projet. Vous participerez à la préparation de l’ensemble de documents destinés aux bailleurs dans le cadre des nouvelles propositions. Vous suivrez l’élaboration des budgets pour les nouvelles propositions, afin d’assurer la cohérence avec les parties narratives.   Suivi des projets: Vous participerez activement au respect des obligations contractuelles bailleurs et vous contribuerez à la production, vérification et capitalisation des rapports narratifs analytiques pour les projets en cours.


Multisectoral Project Manager – Dnipro

Contrat à durée déterminée

As Multisectoral Project Manager, under the responsibility of the Field Coordinator, you will be responsible for the implementation and supervision of all project activities, and you will manage PUI’s human and financial resources dedicated to project activities. For this purpose, you will be responsible for :   Programmes: He/she will ensure the qualitative implementation and monitoring of the programme(s) in compliance with the PUI policy and intervention framework and the agreement signed with the donor.   Human Resources : You will supervise the team (PUI employees and possible daily workers.   Reporting to donors : you will write and coordinate the writing of the final reports coming up on the base.   Logistics and administration : you will ensure that the logistics and administrative procedures of the activities under his/her responsibility are respected.   Representation : you will represent the association with partners, authorities and local actors involved in the implementation of programmes.   Security : You will contribute to the respect of security rules on the base and you will transmit all security information to his/her line manager.   Strategy : You will contribute to the development of new interventions based on identified needs.


WASH Coordinator

Contrat à durée déterminée

As Water Supply, Sanitation & Hygiene (WASH) Coordinator you will be responsible for the development and implementation of the mission’s operational WaSH strategy as well as for the quality of current and future WaSH programmes throughout the design, implementation monitoring and evaluation phases. You will build the capacity of the mission’s WaSH department and provide technical support to the project teams and in particular to the WaSH Project Managers in a functional relationship. You will represent PUI to the authorities, humanitarian actors and donors for the WaSH sector. For this purpose, you will be responsible for :   Context analysis / Strategy / Development: You will participate in the development of the operational strategy in WaSH and contribute to the design of new relevant WaSH interventions on the mission based on the identified WaSH needs in the country, and in line with PUI WaSH intervention framework, and integrating the principles of market-based programming. In coordination with the WaSH team, you will monitor WaSH activities in the country and analyse their strengths and weaknesses.   Programmes quality: You will provide technical support in your field of expertise to the programme teams, in particular to the WaSH Programme Managers, and ensure the quality and effectiveness of the mission’s WaSH programmes.   Representation / Coordination: You will ensure PUI’s external representation for the WaSH sector to partners, donors, national authorities and local actors. You will represent PUI in the WaSH Cluster / WaSH sector coordination group meetings. You will contribute to the good information sharing within the WaSH sector.   Human Resources / Training: You will provide technical support to the project teams and in particular to the WaSH teams. You will provide support to the project managers for the recruitment of technical staff in WaSH. Working alongside the Head of Mission (HoM) and/or the Deputy HoM for Programs and the HQ WaSH Advisor, You will identify key strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and gaps within WaSH department. You will supervise the content of WaSH training and the quality of WaSH activities on the basis of identified needs.   Logistics and Administration: You will ensure the teams under your responsibility follow logistic and administrative procedures and keep the logistic and administrative departments informed of any relevant developments.   Security: You will contribute to the compliance with security rules on the mission and share all information related to security to your line manager and/or to the mission’s security manager.


Grants Manager SDN

Contrat à durée déterminée

As Grants Manager, you will provide key support in the development of concept notes, proposals, reports, and other documents relevant to the programs. You will be mission focal point for all matter related to donor’s contract, compliance, guidelines and reports regularly to HQ Program Officer or HQ Grants Officer. For this purpose, you will be responsible for :   Award management : You will ensure the proper understanding, archiving, follow up, internal communication about mission signed award, contract and their amendment in close collaboration with program teams and HQ. You will also assist the DHoMP and Field Coordinators in the follow-up of program’s activities and contract implementation, and support technical coordinators and operations’ teams in the bases in the tracking, collection and compilation of information relative to program operational progress.   Reporting Management : You will ensure the timely and qualitative production of all communication materials, internal and external reports, concept note, and proposals package including annexes. You will also support the MEAL unit in the collection and analysis of project’s data, ensure the production of comprehensive documents and reports for internal (PMT or AFU) and external diffusion (ITT, reports, etc.), develop and update SOPs for program development and reporting in coordination with the Deputy Head of Mission for Program and relevant Technical Coordinators.   Donor & Fundraising strategy : You will coordinate and act as the focal point for the design and implementation of a donor & fundraising strategy, including Follows-up and ensure an updated mapping of existent and potential local partners, donors, consortium opportunities.   Communication : You will coordinate and act as the focal point for the design and implementation of a communication strategy, including definition of targets and expected outcome as well as the development of quality communication channels and products, internal communication with HQ and external communication (requests for interviews, visibility products, etc.).   Capacity building : You will supervise and aim at building the writing reporting and analysis capacities of the Grants Officer.


Stagiaire Pôle Asie-Afrique

Convention de stage

En tant que Stagiaire Asie-Afrique, vous assisterez le/la Chargé/e des Programmes du Pôle dans l’élaboration, la mise en oeuvre et le suivi opérationnel sur le terrain des programmes de PUI. Vous contribuerez particulièrement à la capitalisation d’informations contextuelles et proposerez des documents appropriés pour la préparation au départ des expatriés. Vous apprendrez ainsi à maîtriser la gestion et le suivi des projets et vous vous familiariserez avec l’action humanitaire et le fonctionnement d’un siège. Vous participerez à la capitalisation et au suivi des projets dans leur composante technique en fonction de votre profil et des priorités opérationnelles du Pôle (santé, santé mentale, nutrition, eau hygiène assainissement, sécurité alimentaire et moyen d’existence, protection). L’implication sur les volets techniques se fera à la discrétion du/de la chargé/e des Programmes selon le profil du/de la stagiaire et les priorités opérationnelles définies.


Our job offers

Working at Première Urgence Internationale means…

  • Joining a humanitarian association with 40 years’ expertise in emergency and post-emergency response for civilian populations in crisis situations caused by armed conflict, climatic hazards or economic collapse.
  • Adopting a caring approach focused on the needs of local communities and foster a respectful and humane working environment.
  • Being close to the field, where every day brings new challenges and opportunities.
  • Working as a team, with committed colleagues who collaborate closely to achieve common goals. Together, we are committed to providing sustainable solutions and making a tangible difference in the field.

Première Urgence Internationale has been awarded the “Happy Trainees” label for three consecutive years, attesting to its commitment to the quality of the induction and development of its employees with internship or work-study status. This recognition, based on the opinions of those concerned, underlines the positive and enriching working environment offered by Première Urgence Internationale.

Christelle André

Director of Human Resources © Première Urgence Internationale

“Taking people into account and enjoying working together are essential to the success of our missions.”

Make a career

Involvement in humanitarian aid does not necessarily mean working in the field. There are many other jobs at head office that are just as essential to our projects in the field.

Working at headquarters or in the field

At Première Urgence Internationale, we never send volunteers into the field. Even with a great deal of determination, it’s not enough: field positions require very specific skills, and there are numerous training courses and university curricula to meet these needs.

Field positions open to international expatriates are generally coordination, project management and management positions. They currently represent around 220 positions in our 25 countries of operation.

Our 25 field missions are staffed by national employees recruited directly in the countries where we operate. They represent some 3,000 positions worldwide.

But working in the humanitarian sector isn’t just about working in the field. To carry out our projects successfully, we need talent at head office in support functions such as Communications, Information Systems, Human Resources, Finance, Logistics and General Services. Although these positions are not necessarily in the field, they are in close contact with our employees around the world. Currently, 140 people work at Première Urgence Internationale’s headquarters just outside Paris, in Asnières-Sur-Seine.

Encouraging change and mobility

Première Urgence Internationale supports the professional development of its employees by offering numerous opportunities for internal growth and ongoing development, and by encouraging mobility between field and head office.

Training is a priority for us, as it is essential for improving the skills, efficiency and motivation of our staff. By investing in the professional development of our teams, we guarantee a better quality of intervention and greater adaptability to humanitarian challenges.

If you would like more information about training and working in the humanitarian sector, please visit the portal of our partner

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Our HR policy

Première Urgence Internationale offers numerous benefits to its employees and has built its HR policy on 5 pillars:

  1. Fairness and non-discrimination
  2. Transparency
  3. Objectivity
  4. Adaptability
  5. Privacy

See our HR policy

Our jobs

To bring our projects to fruition, we recruit talent from a wide range of professional channels, whether technical or support, at head office or in the field.


In Myanmar, floods devastate communities

Myanmar Health + 1

Venezuela : Research on sexual and reproductive health

Venezuela Health

Yemen, 10 years of conflict, the forgotten crisis

Health Mental health & psychosocial support

Screening for child malnutrition in the DRC

Democratic Republic of Congo Health + 3

DRC: Communities pledge to protect their members

Democratic Republic of Congo Protection

2023 Annual report


Lebanon: Humanitarians are not a target

Lebanon Occupied Palestinian Territory + 2