Publié le 10/08/2023 | Temps de lecture : 5 min
In June 2023, the team of Première Urgence Internationale conducted its second humanitarian exploratory mission in Honduras, a Central American country vulnerable to climate change and where nearly one in three inhabitants is in need of humanitarian assistance. Tinou-Paï, the emergency coordinator within Première Urgence Internationale and head of the mission for this exploratory project, reflects on the reasons and outcomes of this field experience.
An exploratory mission is an essential step for any new humanitarian response, as it allows for assessing the relevance of intervening in an area or country where the NGO is not yet present. It has multiple objectives, three of which can be highlighted:
Honduras was chosen for several reasons. The country is facing multiple and multidimensional crises. It is worth noting that Honduras is one of the poorest countries in Latin America, where one out of every two people lives in poverty. Honduras has been dealing with chronic insecurity for many decades, which has resulted in significant protection and violence issues for the population. It notably has the highest femicide rate in the world. Moreover, Honduras is extremely exposed to climate change, including phenomena such as El Nino-induced drought and the two hurricanes that struck the country in 2020, Eta and Iota.
Due to these various reasons, the Urgent Team of Première Urgence Internationale has observed a deterioration in the country’s humanitarian situation, with the number of people in need of humanitarian assistance almost tripling between 2020 and 2023, rising from 1.2 million to over 3 million people.
The outcome of this exploratory mission in Honduras highlights significant humanitarian needs across various sectors, including access to water and food security, primary healthcare and mental health, as well as protection. In other words, it is a country where the integrated approach of Première Urgence Internationale could be highly relevant. The organization also observed a significant migration phenomenon towards the United States, Mexico, and Spain, which directly impacts each family in Honduras.
Gender-based violence, as well as domestic and conjugal violence, are prevalent in the daily lives of the populations in this country. The necessity to work on disaster risk reduction must also be taken into account for any intervention. Additionally, Honduras is particularly marked by humanitarian underfunding, which may pose a major challenge for operating in the country.
In Honduras, our team consisted of five individuals, including an exploratory mission head, three technical coordinators focusing on different sectors (food security, health, and protection), and a logistics officer. We worked together for 15 days to assess the country’s overall humanitarian needs by visiting various regions we had pre-identified as priority areas. We covered 11 out of the 18 departments of the country, with a particular focus on two zones: the Caribbean coast in the north – particularly exposed to violence and natural disasters, and the West of the country, traversed by the “dry corridor” and experiencing high rates of malnutrition.
To assess the humanitarian needs, we interacted with communities, listening to and discussing with them to understand their requirements. We also visited health centers, schools, hospitals, agricultural fields, and isolated villages. Furthermore, we engaged with local and international NGOs and representatives from the local, departmental, and national governments.
Since 2019, the Service for Emergency and Operational Development has conducted 11 exploratory missions: Burkina Faso, Sudan, Ethiopia, Côte d’Ivoire, Colombia, Venezuela, Armenia, Poland, Moldova, Honduras, and Pakistan. Eight of these missions have led to emergency interventions and the establishment of missions for Première Urgence Internationale.
To make these exploratory missions possible, we also need your support. Donating to the Emergency Fund of Première Urgence Internationale shows your trust in us and enables us to act where needs are most critical.