

Mission start date
National staff
Expatriate staff
72 107
People supported
Mission start date
National staff
Expatriate staff
72 107
People supported


Women waiting in line to see one of Première Urgence Internationale supported Mobile Health Team medical doctors, in Sirba Internally Displaced Persons gathering sites, February 2024 ©Premiere Urgence Internationale

The armed conflict between the Sudanese Armed Forces (SAF) and the paramilitary Rapid Support Forces (RSF) has resulted in 15,550 fatalities and massive displacement, with over 8.8 million people forced to leave their homes. The conflict has caused extensive damage to infrastructure, including healthcare and water facilities, leading to a collapse of basic services. In addition, the country is in the grip of rising inflation, shortages of food, water, medicines, fuel, along with disruptions to communication and electricity networks. Human rights violations are rampant, with non-stop attacks on civilians constituting violations of International Humanitarian Law. As conflict rages, the need for humanitarian aid is considerable. The estimated number of people in need of relief, already significant before the conflict, sharply rose. Sudan is likely to become the “world’s worst hunger crisis”, according to the United Nations.



Our approach
Description of the mission

Première Urgence Internationale is actively engaged in Sudan, addressing critical needs in health, nutrition, and psychosocial support. The mission supports fixed health facilities and deploys mobile health clinics in our areas of intervention, provides drugs and material support to health facilities, including the payment of government health staff incentives, and offers nutrition treatment for malnourished children, pregnant women, and lactating women. Additionally, activities are organized to alleviate the burden of the crisis on the population’s mental health. By integrating structured health services with a community outreach, Première Urgence Internationale ensures that healthcare is accessible, relevant, and responsive to the specific needs of the populations we serve. This comprehensive package is applied wherever needs are present, irrespective of the political control of the States, spanning both the Western part of the country, including West and Central Darfur, and the Eastern part, covering the Khartoum area, Gedaref, and Al Jazirah States.

Première Urgence Internationale
in action

Following the eruption of the conflict in April 2023, activities had to be suspended and international staff evacuated. In the eastern part, Première Urgence Internationale swiftly responded to the humanitarian needs arising from the conflict, being among the first humanitarian organizations to resume operations by deploying a mobile health team in Al Jazirah state in early May 2023. Subsequently, 12 health facilities and 3 mobile clinics in Al Jazirah and Gedaref states were supported by late 2023. However, the expansion of the conflict to Al Jazirah state in December 2023 forced us to suspend activities once again, and to reallocate operations to neighboring areas. In 2024, our response to internally displaced people continues in Gedaref state, while we retain limited access in Al Jazirah state, and open a new intervention in Khartoum state. In total, 33 structures are supported, including 24 health facilities and 9 mobile health teams.

In the Western part, due to successive waves of violence in West Darfur, the team could only resume activities in mid-December 2023. Since then, operations in West Darfur state have supported 15 structures, with plans to open activities in Central Darfur state to support 2 health facilities and 2 mobile health teams.

Première Urgence Internationale supported Mobile Health Team Psychosocial Support (PSS) officers during PSS sessions with displaced children in Internally Displaced Persons gathering site in Baladiyat alGedaref, Gedaref state, May 2024 ©Premiere Urgence Internationale

Première Urgence Internationale supported Community Health Volunteers (CHVs) during their three-day training with State Ministry of Health, May 2024 ©Premiere Urgence Internationale

Première Urgence Internationale-supported Mobile Health Team staff during consultations at an Internally Displaced Persons gathering site in Gedaref state, May 2024 ©Premiere Urgence Internationale

Doctor in consultation with a displaced family at an IDP assembly site in Gedaref state, January 2024 ©Première Urgence Internationale

Première Urgence Internationale supported Mobile Health Team Psychosocial Support (PSS) officer conducting PSS awareness session with women groups, Umrish MHT site, Sirba locality, May, 2024, ©Premiere Urgence Internationale

Romain Philibert

Head of mission Sudan © Première Urgence Internationale

“Sudan is currently facing the world’s largest displacement crisis, which could create the world’s largest hunger crisis. In response to the extend of the needs, our teams are working continuously in the most affected areas to provide assistance in health, nutrition and psychosocial support, through Mobile Health Teams, support to Health Facilities and community work.”

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Our donors

Agencia Italiana per la Cooperazione allo Sviluppo (Agence italienne pour la coopération au développement)

Centre de crise et de soutien (CDCS) du ministère de l’Europe et des Affaires étrangères

ECHO (Commission européenne)

SIDA (Agence suédoise de coopération internationale au développement)

USAID / BHA (Bureau of Humanitarian Assistance)

Agencia Italiana per la Cooperazione allo Sviluppo (Agence italienne pour la coopération au développement)

Centre de crise et de soutien (CDCS) du ministère de l’Europe et des Affaires étrangères

ECHO (Commission européenne)

SIDA (Agence suédoise de coopération internationale au développement)

USAID / BHA (Bureau of Humanitarian Assistance)

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Thank you
Your support enables us to have a positive impact on 5 million people located in crisis zones every year.
