Testimony of Aleksandra, a young Ukrainian mother

Eastern Ukraine is confronted to a politic military armed conflict which heavily affects the living conditions of the populations since April 2014. The closeness to the front line forces the inhabitants of Avdiivka to live in the fear of undergoing material damage again. Première Urgence Internationale supports the health services which are deteriorating day after day because of a lack of means.

Aleksandra, a thirty-eight-weeks  pregnant woman, goes to a pharmacy partner of Première Urgence Internationale’s health program in Avdiivka. In her hand, an e-voucher given by her doctor. “I had learned that I would have to deliver through a C-section because of complications. I was not sure to access to medication. The operation did not scared me so much, I was much worried about the cost of the medical procedure, of the monitoring and of the medication.“ Aleksandra was selected as a beneficiary of the health project conducted by the mission. This project enables vulnerable persons to access to free medicine through an e-vouchers system.

“I was relieved when I learned that I would receive a post-C-section kit for free”.

Aleksandra can directly access to this kit thanks to this exchange coupon.

Pregnant or lactating mothers and children under five years old can benefit from free medication with this system of support for pharmacies and local hospitals.

“Health services are very expensive in Ukraine and I already have to pay for my new rent. My little 2-year-old and a half son and I had to move out. The bombing had seriously damaged our apartment. My wage barely covers our daily outgoings. My son Dimitri was born in October, everything went well. He got a medical monitoring too. He suffered from vitamin D deficiency and I could get a kit for free. I am really thankful for all the aid we received.”

Aleksandra is one of the 4 500 Ukrainian beneficiaries of Première Urgence Internationale’s health program.

The young woman is now 22 years old and still lives in Avdiivka with her children. They are all well.


This project is financed by EU Humanitarian Aid.

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